Sharing our practice
Exciting new system in the greenhouse for training cucumbers and tomatoes
This year marks my 30th year in farming across many sectors and climates. For a long time, I’ve encouraged immersion in different styles, scales, and climates to give...
Hand Watering Efficiency
Being efficient with daily processes makes all the difference between your business being sustainable and profitable or not. Although we have irrigation for the market garden, hand-watering still...
Our favourite Coriander Hacks
The way we wash +bunch coriander is a transferable technique across other vege. HACK 1: We wash our coriander with The Terrateck Vegetable Wash Gun (available from Active...
How to create perfect growing conditions for microgreens
Our microgreens greenhouse is only 30 m² yet we have designed intensive + efficient systems to produce 2000 kg of radish micrograms from this space per year. Tray...
About Us: Small Farm with Big Impact
Kia Ora We are Jodi + Tanya Roebuck and we are Roebuck Farm, an intensive 2/3rds of an acre market garden growing + delivering our produce into our...
The Black Sheep School Cheesemaker returns!
Artisan cheesemaker David Asher @theblacksheepschool returns to Roebuck Farm in April 2024 to teach two distinct back-to-back natural cheesemaking workshops. Tickets are HERE David is a Natural Cheesemaker,...